If you are:

you might want to check some of the major funding programmes below for PhD candidates and postdocs.

Many countries also have their own national fellowship programs. Click here to check funding options in your country of origin or your current/previous country of residence, for which we have experience.

These lists are not extensive, so do consult the grants.at database or contact us or in case you cannot find a suitable option, need personal advice or extra detail.

For graduate students – PhD candidates

National schemes


Scope – Duration – Funding

Eligibility criteria

Calls & Key Dates

all scientific disciplines
2-3Y projects
49,080€ + 500€(travel) p. a.

  • admitted @ ISTA Graduate School (GS)
  • affiliated to a research group
  • with MSc ⩽ 2Y before the call’s year (July) or passed the qualifying exam (QE, if BSc only)


in medicine, natural & life sciences, and mathematics
8-12M projects

  • female PhD candidates
  • doctorate studies initiated within the last 3 Y
  • AT nationals, or living in AT for the last 3Y


International schemes


Scope – Duration – Funding

Eligibility Criteria

Calls & Key Dates

  • first university acceptance
    < 96M before the deadline
  • affiliated or set to affiliate with a group @ ISTA
  • PhD project not initiated or initiated < 6M before the deadline*

1 Feb, 1 Jun, 1 Oct

Meta Research PhD Fellowship Program

accelerated computing and its applications (esp AI, robotics, autonomous vehicles and related fields)
1 academic year (9M)
~ 60,000€

  • majored in CS and related fields
  • students with first year of graduate studies completed
  • available to complete a summer internship before start of the fellowship year


*cut-off date: affiliation date

Nomination-based calls

some funding schemes request institutional submissions and/or impose restrictions as to the number of concurrent fellowships applications from the same institution. In those cases, the Grant Office sets up a preliminary procedure to select those candidates who can apply for the following fellowships:


Scope – DurationFunding

Eligibility Criteria

Calls & Key Dates

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship

computer science and related fields
up to 2Y funds
60,000 USD /Y

  • students enrolled at any stage of their PhD


The Grant Office will announce the calls in due course and give you instructions on how to proceed and when.

NOTE: For students not yet enrolled in the ISTA PhD Program, please see the Graduate School Website.

For postdocs

National schemes


Scope – Duration

Eligibility criteria

Calls & Key dates

all scientific disciplines
3Y funds

  • with PhD deg ⩽ 5Y*
  • @ ISTA for ⩽ 18M
  • min 2 publs in the last 5Y***

continuous submission**

all scientific disciplines
10-24M (outgoing phase abroad)*****
3-12M (return phase in AT)

  • with PhD deg or about to have it
  • in AT for ⩾ 3Y in the last 10Y or in AT for ⩾ last 2Y
  • invited by the foreign host
  • min 2 publs in the last 5Y***

continuous submission**

all scientific disciplines
1Y + 6M funds
44,550€ (Extension)

  • with PhD deg ⩽ 3Y before call deadline*
  • at least 1 publ


medicine, natural & life sciences, and mathematics
6-12M projects

  • female scientists
  • with PhD deg ⩽ 4Y*
  • AT nationals, or living in AT for the last 3Y
  • at least 1 journal publ


* exceptions may apply and justified career breaks can extend the eligibility window. Please consult us to discuss your case!
** personal deadlines apply, please consult us to discuss your case!
*** at least one publ as first, last or corresponding author (except for disciplines where authors are listed alphabetically, and for Schrödinger, except in the Life Sciences, if the application is submitted < 2Y after PhD degree)
**** including salary and project-related costs. Amount varies with scheme and additional benefits may be available, consult the guidelines or us for details
***** amount varies by country, please consult the guidelines or us

International schemes


Scope – Duration

Eligibility criteria

Calls & Key dates

2Y funds
min 73,800€/Y ****

  • with PhD deg ⩽ 2Y**
  • @ host lab for ⩽ 6M
  • in AT for ⩽ 6M in the last 18 M
  • ⩾1 main author publ or refereed pre-print

continuous submission
Evaluation cut-offs: 2nd Friday of Feb and Jul

life sciences (LS),
2 + 1Y funds
min ~58,000€/Y ****

  • with PhD in the LS ⩽ 3Y**
  • @ ISTA since April at the earliest
  • ⩾1 lead author publ

2-stage deadlines:
May (Letter of intent)
Sept (Full proposal)

life sciences (LS),
2 + 1Y funds
min ~58,000€/Y ****

  • with PhD outside the LS ⩽ 3Y**
  • no previous work in the LS
  • @ ISTA since April at the earliest
  • ⩾1 lead author publ

2-stage deadlines:
May (Letter of intent)
Sept (Full proposal)

all scientific disciplines,
2Y (+ 6M***) funds
min 158,000€****

  • with PhD deg ⩽ 8Y**
  • @ ISTA or in AT for ⩽12 M in the last 36M


* part of the Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission
** exceptions may apply and circumstances may extend your eligibility; please consult us to discuss your case
*** for proposals requesting non-academic placements
**** salary costs, fellowships may provide extra allowance for travel and/or relocation, family/childcare, and project-related costs. Consult the guidelines or us for further details

NOTE: For incoming postdocs, see also our competitive postdoctoral programmes under ISTA funds.

Fellowships around the world

Below are some funding opportunities your colleagues have profited from in Europe, Asia and the Americas, for both incoming and outgoing fellowships. Contact us if you do not see a suitable option or for further details.

In Europe

The Netherlands

In Asia

In the Americas

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